; } $ocd = $this->options->get( 'optimize_css_delivery', 0 ); $whitelabel = rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_WHITE_LABEL_ACCOUNT', false ); $expired_since = ( time() - $this->user->get_license_expiration() ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS; $message = ' '; if ( ( $whitelabel && 15 > $expired_since && $ocd ) || ( ! $whitelabel && $this->user->is_auto_renew() && 4 > $expired_since ) || ( $whitelabel && $this->user->is_auto_renew() && 4 > $expired_since && ! $ocd ) ) { return $args; } elseif ( ! $whitelabel && 15 > $expired_since && $ocd ) { $message .= sprintf( // translators: %1$s = , %2$s = . __( 'You need a valid license to continue using this feature. %1$sRenew now%2$s before losing access.', 'rocket' ), '', '' ); } elseif ( ( ! $whitelabel && 15 < $expired_since ) || ( ! $whitelabel && 15 > $expired_since && ! $ocd ) ) { $message .= sprintf( // translators: %1$s = , %2$s = . __( 'You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sRenew now%2$s.', 'rocket' ), '', '' ); } elseif ( ( $whitelabel && 15 < $expired_since ) || ( $whitelabel && 15 > $expired_since && ! $ocd ) ) { $doc = 'https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1711-what-happens-if-my-license-expires'; $locale = current( array_slice( explode( '_', get_user_locale() ), 0, 1 ) ); if ( 'fr' === $locale ) { $doc = 'https://fr.docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1712-que-se-passe-t-il-si-ma-licence-expire'; } $message .= sprintf( // translators: %1$s = , %2$s = . __( 'You need an active license to enable this option. %1$sMore info%2$s.', 'rocket' ), '', '' ); } $message .= ''; $args['label'] = $args['label'] . $message; return $args; } /** * Adds the notification bubble to WP Rocket menu item when expired * * @param string $menu_title Menu title. * * @return string */ public function add_expired_bubble( $menu_title ): string { if ( rocket_get_constant( 'WP_ROCKET_WHITE_LABEL_ACCOUNT', false ) ) { return $menu_title; } if ( ! $this->user->is_license_expired() ) { return $menu_title; } if ( false !== get_transient( 'wpr_dashboard_seen_' . get_current_user_id() ) ) { return $menu_title; } $expired_since = ( time() - $this->user->get_license_expiration() ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS; $auto_renew = $this->user->is_auto_renew(); $ocd_enabled = $this->options->get( 'optimize_css_delivery', 0 ); if ( $ocd_enabled && $auto_renew && 4 > $expired_since ) { return $menu_title; } if ( ! $auto_renew && ! $ocd_enabled && 4 < $expired_since ) { return $menu_title; } if ( $auto_renew && ! $ocd_enabled && ( 4 > $expired_since || 15 < $expired_since ) ) { return $menu_title; } return $menu_title . ' !'; } /** * Sets the dashboard seen transient to hide the expired bubble * * @return void */ public function set_dashboard_seen_transient() { if ( ! $this->user->is_license_expired() ) { return; } if ( ! $this->options->get( 'optimize_css_delivery', 0 ) ) { return; } $current_user = get_current_user_id(); if ( false !== get_transient( "wpr_dashboard_seen_{$current_user}" ) ) { return; } $expired_since = ( time() - $this->user->get_license_expiration() ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS; if ( 15 > $expired_since ) { set_transient( "wpr_dashboard_seen_{$current_user}", 1, 15 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } elseif ( 15 < $expired_since ) { set_transient( "wpr_dashboard_seen_{$current_user}", 1, YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); } } /** * Disable optimize CSS delivery setting * * @param array $args Array of setting field arguments. * * @return array */ public function maybe_disable_ocd( $args ) { if ( 'optimize_css_delivery' !== $args['id'] ) { return $args; } if ( ! $this->user->is_license_expired() ) { return $args; } $expired_since = ( time() - $this->user->get_license_expiration() ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS; if ( 15 > $expired_since || ( $this->user->is_auto_renew() && 4 > $expired_since ) ) { return $args; } $args['value'] = 0; if ( isset( $args['container_class'] ) && ! in_array( 'wpr-isDisabled', $args['container_class'], true ) ) { $args['container_class'][] = 'wpr-isDisabled'; } $args['input_attr']['disabled'] = 1; return $args; } /** * Disables the RUCSS & Async CSS options if license is expired since more than 15 days * * @param mixed $value Current option value. * * @return mixed */ public function maybe_disable_option( $value ) { $expired_since = ( time() - $this->user->get_license_expiration() ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS; if ( 15 > $expired_since ) { return $value; } return 0; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to WP_Rocket\Engine\License\Subscriber::__construct() must be an instance of WP_Rocket\Engine\License\Renewal, string given in /home/merciket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Engine/License/Subscriber.php:29 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: WP_Rocket\Engine\License\Subscriber->__construct(Object(WP_Rocket\Engine\License\Upgrade), 'WP_Rocket\\Engin...') #1 /home/merciket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Dependencies/League/Container/Definition/Definition.php(256): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array) #2 /home/merciket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Dependencies/League/Container/Definition/Definition.php(212): WP_Rocket\Dependencies\League\Container\Definition\Definition->resolveClass('WP_Rocket\\Engin...') #3 /home/merciket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Dependencies/League/Container/Definition/DefinitionAggregate.php(94): WP_Rocket\Dependencies\League\Container\Definition\Definition->resolve(false) #4 /home/mercik in /home/merciket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/inc/Engine/License/Subscriber.php on line 29